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oopsies, | Wednesday 19 Mar 2025, 08:47:24 EST

Hey, so sorry about not updating my site or announcing all the new MIDIs I've made! life has still been busy as hell and I haven't had much free time. I'll update as soon as I can, as well as a full redo of one of the Sunrise Tracks :3 Stay safe!!!

MERRY CHRIENMSUYT | Wednesday 25 Dec 2024, 04:03:18 EST

HAPPY HOLIDAY(S) sorry I didn't decorate this year, life's been busy and honestly a little tragic lately. worst christmas eve ever. but I bring you a midi at least! stay safe, yall are awesome :3

NEW STUFF | Sunday 22 Sep 2024, 22:09:18 EST

new hit counter yayyy!!! mimics the blue 15 segment VFD from gottlieb's victory pinball machine because I have massive nostalgia for it (and also it's just awesome as hell) also some general touchups around the site

screw fuckery | Sunday 08 Sep 2024, 20:16:30 EST

a while ago I was taking apart one of my laptops to replace the backlight's inverter and somehow ended up with an extra screw??? even after taking pics through the process, counting so many times, checking every possible spot. how does this happen

lazy update | Monday 02 Sep 2024, 0:14:23 EST

caught up with other life things so have the lowest effort update ever

more buttons added and some updates! | Monday 19 Aug 2024, 0:15:42 EST

before I work on aesthetics and art I'm thinking of making the site a lot more accessible! Of course without cookies I can't save your accessibility settings, it may become a necessary evil... Even if I have to I'll never allow trackers though! But yeah, I'm going to be working a ton on making the site more accessible and friendly! Thank you all for sticking around to watch it grow

little addendum | Sunday 18 Aug 2024, 19:12:08 EST

I've made the last few updates with this cute little program I made and I'm hoping to eventually finish it up and release it on github

oops | Sunday 18 Aug 2024, 19:01:25 EST

accidentally broke the js or the css idk which lol

bored | Sunday 04 Aug 2024, 1:22:03 EST

holy shit I have never been this bored in my life why did I have to wake up at 5 PM and then do all the fun stuff right there and then AGHHHHHH maybe I should annoy the rest of the sunrise devs until they do anything

I do more stuff now, yay(?) | Sunday 23 Jun 2024, 20:25:37 EST

SO! I've made more kandi so that's fun, check out my tumblr page for that. More exciting news, I now own the Unofficial Furcadia Forums! Still working on figuring out how to make it pretty but it's cool and exists at furcadia.zencorner.xyz :3 Go check it out if you like Furcadia!!!

MIDI update | Thursday 13 Jun 2024, 16:04:42 EST

made the STF midi less bad

New MIDIs!!!! | Tuesday 11 Jun 2024, 20:29:53 EST

I've been working pretty hard and now my music page has a quaint selection of MIDIs!!!! Make sure to check it outtt :3c

uhhhhh yeag | Thursday 18 Apr 2024, 0:05:46 EST

I've been making some kickass midi covers but I keep forgetting to put them on the site, expect this before the weekend hopefully

Fucking finally | Sunday 25 Feb 2024, 22:58:42 EST

finally fixed the site woo

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! | Monday 1 Jan 2024, 0:38:13 EST


how did I not die here what | Sunday 31 Dec 2023, 6:58:33 EST

I'm like half inside the fire look at this shit

New Year's Eve!!! | Sunday 31 Dec 2023, 6:53:12 EST

Holy shit it's already new year's eve???? WHERE HAS TIME GONE?? Hope you all have a safe 2024 :3

New shit! Good shit? One can hope. | Thursday, 28 Dec 2023, 9:55:46 EST

Made a new icon for the site updates, lemme know your thoughts on it please :3 I've also added some more outlinks and some more devices in my about me, thinking of working on sidebar 2.0 stuff in a bit. Thank you all for sticking around and watching the site take form

So that never happened lmao | Monday, 26 Dec 2023, 11:03:05 EST

things have gotten hectic but uhhh yeah hi sorry I keep forgetting to actually do anything I'm incredibly easily distracted and I've just been so very, very tired as of late

some additions to the table of stuff I own | Friday, 15 Dec 2023, 22:13:05 EST

added phones and shit mostly

SushiCaptcha v1.2 update! | Tue, 14 Nov 2023 16:44:00 CST

SushiCaptcha has been updated with a better image generator, and audio captcha functionality! Also, captchas are now time-sensitive and only valid for one minute.

New on-site blog icon | Saturday, 11 nov 2023, 4:44:04 EST

I call it "Broken Collar," starting small before I start to rebuild bits and pieces

Gradual updates | Saturday, 11 nov 2023, 3:20:21 EST

A bit of expressiveness never hurt, no? add a bit of personality here, complexity there, then throw it across the room until it looks like the most emotionally garbled mess imaginable. then tone it down just enough for it to be legible for other people. expect some changes, fuck if I know how drastic it'll be lmao

holy fuck I love this website | Saturday, 11 nov 2023, 2:39:12 EST

https://astrossoundhell.neocities.org/ LOOK AT IT. LOOK AT IT NOW!!!!! HOLY FUCKING SHIT IT'S BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!! everything about the fuckin aesthetic is so good and all the rest of the pages on it and all ttnhskese ;;eaef ;aw fioawehrj oiw rhwoi9ar hjfiowrjfedfkl;sdahf;eikfljcfjmsd LOOK AT IT. BECOME ONE WITH IT. IT'S SO PRETTYYYYYYY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFKSDL; also all the sites it links to (especially emma's) are just. my mouth is WATERINGGG

Short term memory loss | Tuesday, 7 nov 2023, 1:06:43 EST

I'm super incredibly forgetful could some of you pester me to update my site now and then please

Housekeeping | Monday, 9 oct 2023, 01:44:26 EST

Removed some stuff I don't vibe with and probably made a couple other changes?? I already forgot lol

Sona stuff refresh | Wed, 4 sep 2023, 17:37:21 EST

Redrew all the badges and icons that lacked zenith's current looks :3 (also added music hehe)

New update wave! | Fri, 29 sep 2023, 14:01:20 EST

Added and changed around some stuff to fit my liking woo!

  • Added 7 new splash texts
  • Rewrote page names
  • Added two new easter eggs
  • Added a Super Secret InvitationTM

Update Addendum | Fri, 29 sep 2023, 19:05:11 EST

Forgot to mention I also want to upload a TON of music and the anniversary art piece

got busy, updates soon | Fri, 29 sep 2023, 13:16:32 EST

Welp, I got really busy and couldn't work on the updates I had planned as quickly. Doesn't matter tho, I've got some time today to do just that! here are some things I have planned:

  • New easter egg(s?)
  • More music!
  • Finally some more art
  • More splash text
  • Even! More! BUTTONS!!!

Anniversary update wave 2 | Tue, 12 sep 2023, 21:12:37 EST

  • Added new web buttons
  • Easier easter egg access

Monopoly | Tue, 12, sep 2023, 14:59:46 EST

The only board game that lets you be a capitalist whore without the slightest hint of guilt

Anniversary update wave 1 | Mon, 11 sep 2023, 23:34:12 EST

  • Added party streamer and decor
  • Added anniversary art
  • Added more splash text
  • Added new easter eggs

1 year website anniversary!!!! | Mon, 11 Sep 2023, 22:31:37 EST

WOOO IT'S BEEN A YEAR!! Thank you for visiting, signing the guest book, giving feedback and ideas, and to all my friends: thank you for all the cool stuff regarding site ideas :3 this whole thing wouldn't at all be possible without my glorious Ashie though, so be sure to give her site lots of attention too!!!

Ready Player One is an amazing book | Fri, 8 Sep 2023, 14:48:23 EST

I just finished reading Ready Player One and holy shit. I loved it so fucking much!! Amazing story, dialogue that actually sounds natural, plenty of "fuck you late stage capitalism" and genuinely the environments are described with so. much. detail. maybe it's just my hyperactive brain making it vivid but it was seriously incredible, I beg of anybody reading this to also read the book lol

New sidebar art! | Mon, 24 Jul 2023, 21:48:23 EST

Drew some new sidebar art of my headmate Alpha, styled after Apple's System 6 OS. she'll appear every thursday!!!

Incredibly important announcement regarding Icezer/Zeuvia | Mon, 24 Jul 2023, 12:15:04 EST

PSA! A friend of mine, "Bloops" Had recently departed all forms of social media due to a large incident surrounding a then-friend of ours for two years, Icezer. You can find more information on this here: https://srb2staff.notion.site/Icezer-Zeuvia-and-SuperPhanto-s-bans-ce26b6baafb6416689bef65058e41269?pvs=4 This is a public announcement for you to stand your ground against her to prevent further incidents. Please report any instances of "Icezer" or "Zeuvia" which you may find on discord, she may be found in FNF, Touhou, UTDR or Sonic-related servers. Most importantly, do not fall into her attempts at trying to regain her stance she once had, she'd released a poor response on her twitter regarding the evidence-backed claims made on the main ocument posted. I urge you to stay alert and vigilant towards her and any other groomer situations.

Better layout and new stuff woo!!! | Tue, 30 May 2023, 11:10:30 EST

art page now has the same galery view that my wifey's has and now there's a separate music page because cramming that much in a single page is gonna be a bad idea in the long run

Minor annoyances | Tue, 23 May 2023 3:40:21 EST

Woo complaining time because it's nearly 4 am and I still can't sleep despite being too tired to actually really move. what fun.

guestbook thanks | Tuesday 06 Feb 2024, 16:17:53 EST

thank you sonic the hedgehog and eggman the evil genius for signing my guestbook

I've made the coolest rss updater in the world | Thursday 18 Jan 2024, 0:05:50 EST

love this thing it's very basic but looks cool (will post image tomorrow evening I'm eepy beepy)

how did I not die here what | Sunday 31 Dec 2023, 6:58:33 EST

I'm like half inside the fire look at this shit

New Year's Eve!!! | Sunday 31 Dec 2023, 6:53:12 EST

Holy shit it's already new year's eve???? WHERE HAS TIME GONE?? Hope you all have a safe 2024 :3

New shit! Good shit? One can hope. | Thursday, 28 Dec 2023, 9:55:46 EST

Made a new icon for the site updates, lemme know your thoughts on it please :3 I've also added some more outlinks and some more devices in my about me, thinking of working on sidebar 2.0 stuff in a bit. Thank you all for sticking around and watching the site take form

So that never happened lmao | Monday, 26 Dec 2023, 11:03:05 EST

things have gotten hectic but uhhh yeah hi sorry I keep forgetting to actually do anything I'm incredibly easily distracted and I've just been so very, very tired as of late

some additions to the table of stuff I own | Friday, 15 Dec 2023, 22:13:05 EST

added phones and shit mostly

SushiCaptcha v1.2 update! | Tue, 14 Nov 2023 16:44:00 CST

SushiCaptcha has been updated with a better image generator, and audio captcha functionality! Also, captchas are now time-sensitive and only valid for one minute.

New on-site blog icon | Saturday, 11 nov 2023, 4:44:04 EST

I call it "Broken Collar," starting small before I start to rebuild bits and pieces

Gradual updates | Saturday, 11 nov 2023, 3:20:21 EST

A bit of expressiveness never hurt, no? add a bit of personality here, complexity there, then throw it across the room until it looks like the most emotionally garbled mess imaginable. then tone it down just enough for it to be legible for other people. expect some changes, fuck if I know how drastic it'll be lmao

holy fuck I love this website | Saturday, 11 nov 2023, 2:39:12 EST

https://astrossoundhell.neocities.org/ LOOK AT IT. LOOK AT IT NOW!!!!! HOLY FUCKING SHIT IT'S BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!! everything about the fuckin aesthetic is so good and all the rest of the pages on it and all ttnhskese ;;eaef ;aw fioawehrj oiw rhwoi9ar hjfiowrjfedfkl;sdahf;eikfljcfjmsd LOOK AT IT. BECOME ONE WITH IT. IT'S SO PRETTYYYYYYY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFKSDL; also all the sites it links to (especially emma's) are just. my mouth is WATERINGGG

Short term memory loss | Tuesday, 7 nov 2023, 1:06:43 EST

I'm super incredibly forgetful could some of you pester me to update my site now and then please

Housekeeping | Monday, 9 oct 2023, 01:44:26 EST

Removed some stuff I don't vibe with and probably made a couple other changes?? I already forgot lol

Sona stuff refresh | Wed, 4 sep 2023, 17:37:21 EST

Redrew all the badges and icons that lacked zenith's current looks :3 (also added music hehe)

New update wave! | Fri, 29 sep 2023, 14:01:20 EST

Added and changed around some stuff to fit my liking woo!

  • Added 7 new splash texts
  • Rewrote page names
  • Added two new easter eggs
  • Added a Super Secret InvitationTM

Update Addendum | Fri, 29 sep 2023, 19:05:11 EST

Forgot to mention I also want to upload a TON of music and the anniversary art piece

got busy, updates soon | Fri, 29 sep 2023, 13:16:32 EST

Welp, I got really busy and couldn't work on the updates I had planned as quickly. Doesn't matter tho, I've got some time today to do just that! here are some things I have planned:

  • New easter egg(s?)
  • More music!
  • Finally some more art
  • More splash text
  • Even! More! BUTTONS!!!

Anniversary update wave 2 | Tue, 12 sep 2023, 21:12:37 EST

  • Added new web buttons
  • Easier easter egg access

Monopoly | Tue, 12, sep 2023, 14:59:46 EST

The only board game that lets you be a capitalist whore without the slightest hint of guilt

Anniversary update wave 1 | Mon, 11 sep 2023, 23:34:12 EST

  • Added party streamer and decor
  • Added anniversary art
  • Added more splash text
  • Added new easter eggs

1 year website anniversary!!!! | Mon, 11 Sep 2023, 22:31:37 EST

WOOO IT'S BEEN A YEAR!! Thank you for visiting, signing the guest book, giving feedback and ideas, and to all my friends: thank you for all the cool stuff regarding site ideas :3 this whole thing wouldn't at all be possible without my glorious Ashie though, so be sure to give her site lots of attention too!!!

Ready Player One is an amazing book | Fri, 8 Sep 2023, 14:48:23 EST

I just finished reading Ready Player One and holy shit. I loved it so fucking much!! Amazing story, dialogue that actually sounds natural, plenty of "fuck you late stage capitalism" and genuinely the environments are described with so. much. detail. maybe it's just my hyperactive brain making it vivid but it was seriously incredible, I beg of anybody reading this to also read the book lol

New sidebar art! | Mon, 24 Jul 2023, 21:48:23 EST

Drew some new sidebar art of my headmate Alpha, styled after Apple's System 6 OS. she'll appear every thursday!!!

Incredibly important announcement regarding Icezer/Zeuvia | Mon, 24 Jul 2023, 12:15:04 EST

PSA! A friend of mine, "Bloops" Had recently departed all forms of social media due to a large incident surrounding a then-friend of ours for two years, Icezer. You can find more information on this here: https://srb2staff.notion.site/Icezer-Zeuvia-and-SuperPhanto-s-bans-ce26b6baafb6416689bef65058e41269?pvs=4 This is a public announcement for you to stand your ground against her to prevent further incidents. Please report any instances of "Icezer" or "Zeuvia" which you may find on discord, she may be found in FNF, Touhou, UTDR or Sonic-related servers. Most importantly, do not fall into her attempts at trying to regain her stance she once had, she'd released a poor response on her twitter regarding the evidence-backed claims made on the main ocument posted. I urge you to stay alert and vigilant towards her and any other groomer situations.

Better layout and new stuff woo!!! | Tue, 30 May 2023, 11:10:30 EST

art page now has the same galery view that my wifey's has and now there's a separate music page because cramming that much in a single page is gonna be a bad idea in the long run

Minor annoyances | Tue, 23 May 2023 3:40:21 EST

Woo complaining time because it's nearly 4 am and I still can't sleep despite being too tired to actually really move. what fun.

Newsfeed and projects page updates! | Fri, 13 Apr 2023 0:4:13 EST

So the newsfeed was broken for a bit because of a freak accident-type bug that literally broke everything but it's fixed now!! That and I added a GalNet card to my projects page, finally a card with a working link. Stay tuned for more updates coming either later today or tomorrow!

I adore the PSP | Sun, 9 Apr 2023 20:27:32 EST

The PSP is genuinely such a cute little handheld console, I myself have a speckled silver PSP model 3008. It's great for playing a bunch of games like Super Stardust Portable, Pop'n Music Portable, Midnight Club 3, MegaMan Powered Up and it's dreaded choppy movement, especially any PS1 game you might have installed, and the DAC and amp in it are so good they're actually less noisy than my PC's onboard audio. I have at least a third of my personal music library (about a hundred or so songs) stored on it and it's great for going out and about and just listening to stuff. Though it can't connect to WPA-2 wifi which kinda sucks but it's not like I use it for anything internet to begin with. you can also play videos and movies on it and installing custom firmware on it is LITERALLY drag and drop. You just- drop the file onto it through usb mode and launch it in the game menu! It's seriously that comically easy!!! It's tiny, pocketable, super comfy to hold, the UMD door makes super satisfying metallic noises, etc. Genuinely my favorite handheld aside from my 3DS. --Zenith

woo new background | Sun, 29 Jan 2023 16:37:00 EST

totally not just minecraft sculk texture lol lmao

Weather! | Mon, 2 Jan 2023 19:55:00 EST

Weather readout will now change it's icon to display your current weather conditions!

Happy New Year!! | Sun, 1 Jan 2023 00:00:00 EST

Happy new year everybody!!! here's to another year of having fun and being meow even in thr toughest of times >w< --Zenith

Hitcounter! | Sat, 26 Nov 2022 21:19:00 EST

Added a new hitcounter on the sidebar!

Mobile stuff! | Tue, 15 Nov 2022 18:13:00 EST

Added new mobile navbar!! Visitors can now scroll the virtual taskbar for easier mobile navigation, and tap the start button to return to the landing page!~

Americano Funky Action! | Mon, 14 Nov 2022 21:59:00 EST

Added Sonic Spinball functionality

New Toys! | Sun, 30 Oct 2022 16:00:00 EDT

Added the first WIP version of my weather readout!

Site Updates! | Fri, 28 Oct 2022 17:54:00 EDT

Fixed half the site not embedding properly

More.. personal news | Fri, 14 Oct 2022 21:43:00 EDT

I got covid wOOOOOO okay for real this fuckin sucks, no idea who brought it home but now everybody in my house has it. honestly though I'm mostly worried about any of my cats getting it. Promise I'll do my best to recover quickly though..! --Zenith

News Updates! | Mon, 10 Oct 2022 22:33:00 EDT

Well the past week has certainly been a ride for me but I'm managing, a bit stressed over the practice SAT I have to do this wednesday but hey, not much I can do about it. Stay safe, wish me luck! --Zenith

Site Updates! | Mon, 10 Oct 2022 21:27:00 EDT

  • Added Fun stuff page!
  • Added more splash texts!
  • Added more web buttons!

Site Updates! | Thu, 06 Oct 2022 17:58:00 EDT

Added more splash texts

Site Updates! | Sun, 02 Oct 2022 23:44:00 EDT

  • Added visual noise
  • Added classic web button to fit on most sites
  • Added glow effects to About Me page
  • Added tables and more details to About Me page

Site Updates! | Wed, 28 Sep 2022 21:29:00 EDT

Added and finalized the guestbook, including spam and code execution prevention! (CRS and Nano if you somehow find a way past this I swear-)

Site Updates! | Sat, 24 Sep 2022 20:44:00 EDT

Added my Manjaro partition to the about me page

News Updates! | Sat, 24 Sep 2022 17:40:00 EDT

Hey everybody, glad to see you all have been following the website's progress! Just want to push an announcement so you know why updates are going to start slowing down. Autumn break is about to end and I'm gonna have to go back to classes for a while, making consistent site updates particularly difficult. Hope you understand, and have a great day! --Zenith

Site updates! | Sat, 24 Sep 2022 17:35:00 EDT

  • Added more to Links+Chats
  • Fixed broken link leading to Sonc's site
  • Under construction message added to the Art+Music page
  • Added better parity between Ash and I's sites (again)

Site updates! | Fri, 23 Sep 2022 17:25:00 EDT

  • Streamlined the newsfeed process
  • Added a link to view the raw newsfeed data
  • Better scaling and mobile support
  • Fixed some formatting issues

Site updates! | Thu, 22 Sep 2022 15:56:00 EDT

  • Added third index art piece for Wednesday
  • Added code parity between Ash and I's websites
  • Added feed refresh button
  • Added different colors and icons for clarity
  • Changed image filtering; only vector images have anti-alias
  • About Me page finished
  • Links+Chats page finished
  • site now scales to resolutions higher than 1080i
  • Removed Herobrine

Site updates! | Mon, 12 Sep 2022 00:00:00 EDT

  • added more fancy glow and fade effects
  • reworked the marquee background

The site is live!! | Sun, 11 Sep 2022 15:58:00 EDT

Check out what little I have at the start QwQ